Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mysterious bird deaths in recent news.

From ABC:

The mystery of the dying birds deepened for baffled experts after another 500 birds were found littering a Louisiana highway days after 5,000 redwinged blackbirds plunged to their death on New Year's eve.
"They are like bleeding out of the mouth and some of them are not dead. I think they have been poisoned," one Arkansas caller said.
 Why have all the birds in the south just started dropping dead? Poisoning?

 Is there some sort of mass conspiracy against migratory birds?  Not likely.

What officials know for sure is that the birds died from trauma. According to preliminary testing, the trauma was primarily in the breast tissue, with blood clots in the body cavity and major  internal bleeding. All major organs were normal and the birds appeared to be healthy, the tests found.

John Fitzpatrick, the Director of Cornell University’s Ornithology Lab, said a “washing machine-type thunderstorm” suddenly appeared in Arkansas and sucked the red-winged blackbirds up into its midst and spat them back out onto the ground. Fitzpatrick says this is the most likely explanation for the strange phenomenon of the birds falling from the sky.
But wait, theres more:

Dozens of dead birds have been found lying in a residential street in Sweden, days after thousands of birds fell to their deaths in the US.

This isn't a Coincidence. Something has happened to our atmosphere to cause this. Not only is this happening here, but in other parts of the world.

What could cause these birds to fall out of the sky with ravaged bodies, filled with blood clots, bleeding out of the mouth.?  Ultrasonic Sound waves.  Below are several links,i suggest you read them.

Suggested Reading


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