Tuesday, January 4, 2011



    The austerity of tone being set by the incoming speaker on the eve of his swearing-in ceremony Wednesday is being matched by a frugality in spending. It was Friends of John Boehner, the congressman’s official campaign organization, that chartered the five buses that transported dozens of hometown supporters, including 10 of Boehner’s 11 siblings, from the Wetherington Golf and Country Club, in West Chester, Ohio, to the nation's capital Tuesday.
And among the first bills that will be introduced in the House under Boehner’s speakership will be a measure that cuts congressional spending by 5 percent. Analysts called the move largely symbolic, noting that it would hardly make a dent in the country’s $1 trillion deficit. In his office’s first press release of the new year, Boehner claimed Tuesday the measure, if signed into law by President Obama, will immediately save taxpayers $35 million.
“To reverse Washington’s job-killing spending binge, sacrifices will be required throughout the federal government,” Boehner said in the statement, “and we are starting with ourselves.”

Are you kidding me? Not only has Obama outlined and executed the plan to Save General Motors, (which was successful by the way,) hes Already cut taxes since entering office.  What is really going on is The Republicans hellbent resolve on slashing Tax cuts for the rich, adhering to "trickle down economics," Or Supply Side economics. Doesn't that mean that there is some proof that trickle down economics works? Read on.

Although there was a huge increase in real income for average Americans between World War II and the 1970s the income of the average American male has gone essentially unchanged since 1970 as the figure below indicates. Income for females though has continued to rise. What is significant about this graph is that between 1980 and 2003 the incomes of the top 2% of American wage earners has gone up dramatically despite the stagnation of the income of average Americans
Its obvious that trickle-down economics is a joke. The Rich have done nothing  in the last 20 years but rape and plunder the economy. To make my point, I ask you to what extent  have you or people you know been effected by the 2008 financial crisis.

Compare your observations to This, from the  New York Times, dated 11/23/10

American businesses earned profits at an annual rate of $1.659 trillion in the third quarter, according to a Commerce Department report released Tuesday. That is the highest figure recorded since the government began keeping track over 60 years ago,[..]


That's not much of a trickle, compared to the Rainstorm at the top. Not while i read things like this from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/481800

 The number of homeless grew in the 1980s, as housing and social service cuts increased. This was in part a consequence of the transfer of federal dollars to a huge military buildup (including the spectacularly wasteful and unsuccessful "Star Wars" strategic missile defense initiative) and consequent large budget deficits. Fortunately, public compassion soared, and in 1986, 5 million Americans joined hands across the country to raise money for homeless programs (May 25, 1986 Hands Across America). In 1987, the McKinney Act authorized millions of dollars for housing and hunger relief.
Almost 20 years later, homelessness is largely ignored by the mainstream press and the general public, and the numbers affected continue to grow. Over 7% of persons living in the United States have been homeless (defined as sleeping in shelters, the street, abandoned buildings, cars, or bus and train stations) at some point in their lives.[4] Homelessness rates have increased over each of the past 2 decades. An estimated 2.5 to 3.5 million people now experience homelessness each year.[5,6] Approximately half are families with children, the fastest-growing segment of the homeless population.[5,6] In 1 study,[7] youth had a 1-year rate of homelessness of at least 1 night of 7.6%.
Although 20% of homeless persons maintain full- or part-time jobs,[8] only 5% are privately insured, often through COBRA.[9] The majority of homeless adults are not eligible for Medicaid in most States, and are also not eligible for Medicare. Approximately 23% of homeless persons (and from 3.1 % to 4.4 % of homeless women) are veterans of the armed services, yet only 57% have received healthcare services through the VA system, where long waits for care exist.[10]

Its time we woke up and realized that the people we're putting in charge aren't doing the entire country any good, and only helps those who seek to take away our social freedoms in exchange for economic slavery.

Its a double edged sword, people. Wake Up.

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